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About The University

The University of South Asia (SAU) received a license to conduct educational activities on March 20, 2024. The university offers educational programs in the following areas:
1. 560001 “General Medicine” (for foreign citizens, 5 years)
2. 560001 “Medicinal business” (6 years )

USA is located in Chui region, Tokmok, st. Gagarina, 120. This is a modern and innovative educational institution with a developed infrastructure, including a network of its own university laboratories and clinics equipped with the latest equipment. The university implements a medical training program that provides students and teachers with opportunities to integrate into the international community and access to modern advances in the field of medicine.

One of the main advantages of the University of South Asia is its location in the city center and the presence of both educational and medical institutions, as well as a dormitory, in one protected area, which are important factors for ensuring the safety of students. Such conditions facilitate easy access to services and resources, which is important for students’ comfortable and safe stay in the educational institution.