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HR Department

Senior Inspector of the HR Department
Akunova Dinara Almazovna
Contacts: +996 (702) 088 882
Address: 120 Gagarin Street, Tokmok.120

The main goal of the HR department –is to create a highly efficient and productive team to achieve the best possible results for the university. A whole complex of organizational measures, well-considered decisions and competent steps of the personnel management department employees ensure effective organization of work and career growth of each of the university employees.

In order to ensure the status of a leading university in the Kyrgyz Republic, professionalism, reliability, competence and intelligence are among the most important conditions for applying for a job at USA.

professional activities are all areas of the mission which correspond to corporate values and strategic directions of the university’s HR policy, aimed at ensuring the growth of professional competence of employees and motivation of their work.

• Regulations on the HR policy of USA
• Regulations of the HR Department of the USA PDF
• Job descriptions of PMO employees PDF

• providing the university with qualified personnel and management of structural divisions;
• implementation of the unified HR policy of the university in accordance with the mission of the university, current plans and modern concepts of human resource management;
• ensuring compliance with labor legislation;
• systematic analysis of the formation of the personnel reserve;
• identification of training needs, organization and provision of the process of training and development, retraining and advanced training of employees;
• ensuring compliance with labor discipline by university employees;
• providing methodological assistance to employees of structural divisions;

• planning of current and prospective personnel needs, taking into account the existing human resources potential, as well as the goals and objectives of the university;
• definition and development of common criteria for selecting employees: analysis of qualification characteristics and development of qualification requirements for positions;
• organization and conduct of selection to fill vacant positions;
• accounting of university personnel;
• formation of a personnel reserve, development of employees with professional and leadership potential;
• development of recommendations for optimizing the structure and staffing of the university;
• analysis of employees training needs;
• development of job descriptions for employees, implementation of rules and regulations, that promote the development of ethical standards at the university;
• ensuring timely registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with the current legislation, as well as maintaining other established personnel documentation;
• organization of drafting and execution of employment contracts;
• organization of maintaining and storing workbooks;
• formation and maintenance of a database on the quantitative, and qualitative composition of personnel using software-the automated information system “AVN”;
• organization of table keeping
• drawing up a vacation schedule for employees;
• registration and accounting of business trips;
• systematization of document flow by personnel, introduction of uniform standards of personnel and university -wide office management;
• preparation of draft orders, as well as certificates and other documents within the scope of their competence;
• preparation of documents for employees, submitted for departmental, government and state awards;
• monitoring compliance with internal labor regulations by university employees;
• maintaining established personnel records.