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Simulation Training Center

Creating conditions for students to develop a wide range of professional competencies and solidify clinical skills without the risk of harm to the patient.
The Simulation Training Center participates in the implementation of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. At the Center, students learn manual and clinical skills using a new simulation technology. In order to reduce the period of adaptation of young specialists in medical institutions, timely provision of the necessary qualified medical care to patients, students are trained for practical and scientific activities under the guidance of teachers.

• Organization and implementation of up-to-date educational and scientific-methodical work aimed at mastering the proper regulated professional knowledge and skills of students in accordance with the State Educational Standards of higher Professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic.
• Providing a material, technical and methodological base for students who master the professional skills of their future profession on the basis of extensive use of simulators, simulators, and game techniques.
• Conducting classes on the development of professional skills and abilities, current, intermediate certification and final state certification with students;

1. CSO Regulations PDF