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Medical Library

Address: Tokmok City, 120 Gagarin St., office # 209
Phonenumber: 0(313) 83 52 52, 0(313) 83 52 00

Working hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 09:00-17:00
lunch break: 12: 00-13: 00

Medical Library
The University of South Asia has created a favorable educational environment, using its material-, technical, library and information resources to organize the educational process according to educational programs.
The University’s Scientific Library is a member of several major associations, such as the International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies (EBNIT) in Moscow, «the Library-and Information Consortium Association of Kyrgyzstan (BIC), and the Association of Electronic Libraries of Kyrgyzstan (AEB). Cooperation with NAN-KR Scientific Library, which has a collection of more than 1 million copies of literature, provides students and university staff with access to a wide range of educational and scientific materials.

The University Library actively participated in the TEMPUS project “Exchange of library-and information resources between university libraries Supported by the European Commission, and continues to work within the framework of this project, which makes it possible to combine the library resources of various universities in Kyrgyzstan.

The availability of mandatory textbooks and teaching aids for laboratory and course work is fully achieved. Each student has access to educational and methodical materials both in printed, and in electronic form for each discipline of the professional cycle. This includes access to electronic databases of periodicals and the ability to exchange information with domestic and foreign universities and organizations.
In the University’s information system contains all the necessary educational and methodological materials for independent work, which allows students to study independently and keep in touch with teachers.

Reading room
The University of South Asia’s Reading Room offers excellent opportunities for learning both in printed, and in electronic forms of learning. The hall is equipped with places for individual work and areas for group communication, equipped with new computers and shelves with the latest medical literature. All facilities are made available here for independent work of students, faculty professors and teachers, researchers and other categories of university employees.

The main tasks of the reading room include:
1. High-quality formation of the fund of information resources in accordance with the educational and scientific activities of the university.
2. Expanding and improving the quality of library-and bibliographic information services.
3. Organization of access to licensed scientific-and educational online resources.
4. Introduction of modern library-and information technologies in all areas of library activity.
5. Formation of information culture of users, development of skills of search and rational use of information resources.
All this contributes to creating a comfortable and productive educational environment, supporting the academic and scientific efforts of all participants in the educational process.