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Student Department

StudentDepartment Specialist студенческого отдела

Usenova Aziza Rahatbekovna
Contacts: +996(701) 220 135
Address: 120 Gagarin Street, Tokmok.120

The purpose of the student Department is to carry out administrative activities in accordance with the mission of the university; to conduct systematic work with students from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of India, the Arab Republic of Egypt and other countries, starting from their enrollment to graduation, based on modern requirements of objectivity, trust and transparency, taking into account students’ requirements.

• receiving personal files of enrolled applicants from the university admissions committee, maintaining them, storing them during the entire period of their study at the university;
• accounting of personal data and student movement in the student database;
• making a written request to receive documents of students transferred and sent from other higher educational institutions;
• provision of USA students with student ID cards;
• maintaining statistical records and providing timely statistical reports to the relevant authorities.
• accounting and control of student movement and timely provision of information on students.

• Student Department Regulations (PDF)
• Job description of employees
• Work plan (PDF)