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Final State Attestation

PROGRAM of final state certification of graduates

The final state certification program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Higher Professional Education System approved by Order No. 1357 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic dated July 30, 2021 and the curriculum for the specialty 560001 “Medical Science”.
Final state certification is conducted by state examination commissions.
The final state certification of graduates is carried out within the time limits stipulated by the curriculum and the schedule of the educational process within the standard period of development of the educational program.
The final state certification in the specialty 560001 “Medical science” is conducted in the form of an interdisciplinary exam in specialized disciplines.
An interdisciplinary examination in specialized subjects is conducted in the form of:

I Stage – Computer testing. Checking the level of theoretical readiness by means of a computer-based test exam.
II Stage – An objective structured exam that includes an assessment of theoretical knowledge, formed practical skills and clinical thinking of students.

I Stage – Computer testing.
Computer testing is conducted according to the schedule with the technical support of the University of South Asia Resource Center. The test material covers the content of professional disciplines of the specialty. The exam is conducted according to standard test tasks compiled on the basis of a single bank of interdisciplinary certification tasks in all areas of graduate training, covering the content of clinical disciplines. The exam to determine the level of theoretical training of graduates is conducted simultaneously in a computer class.

II Stage -Part 1. Monitoring at the patient’s bedside or passing an objective structured clinical exam is designed to test professional competencies. At this stage, the graduate is given the opportunity to demonstrate the consistent implementation of the necessary amount of skills and abilities for professional activity.
At this stage, the level of deontological education of students is determined and the effectiveness of teaching activities of departments and courses responsible for practical training of students is evaluated.
The practical state exam is taken at clinical bases or at the Simulation Training Center of the University of South Asia.

It consists of two sections:
a) examination at the bedside of a real patient with various pathologies or a simulated patient, while evaluating the performance of one or more practical skills; and
b) decoding and interpretation of ECG images, radiographs, and laboratory data.

II Stage – Part 2. The theoretical oral exam on the ticket is a continuation of the second stage and is taken after passing the practical State Exam and testing. Exam tickets are drawn up by the graduating departments of the University of South Asia. The ticket structure includes questions on the following academic subjects, the results of which are crucial for the professional activity of graduates:
• Public health and public health, general hygiene, epidemiology.
• Therapy
• Pediatrics.
• Surgery.
• Obstetrics and gynecology.

• General hygiene, Public health, Epidemiology (questionnaire)
• Therapy (questionnaire)
• Pediatrics (questionnaire)
• Surgery (questionnaire)
• Obstetrics and Gynecology (questionnaire)
• Kyrgyz language and Literature, History and Culture of Kyrgyzstan, Geography of Kyrgyzstan (questionnaire)