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Psychological Support Center


Sugonyako Yulia Vladimirovna
Contacts: +996 (555) 422 938
Address: 120 Gagarin Street, Tokmok

Dear students, we have a Psychological Support Center to ensure your psychological readiness for the educational process.
In our center you will find psychological help, support and advice in crisis situations.

Assistance in creating a social-and pedagogical development environment, that provides psychological conditions for protecting the health and personal development of all participants in the educational process.

• promotion of professional-and personal development of students
• promoting the harmonization of the social-and psychological climate at the university
• participation in the development of a system of measures, aimed at preventing deviant behavior of students
• assistance in improving the level of adaptation of students and graduates to the modern labor market
• promoting the dissemination and implementation of education in practice
• achievements of psychological science