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Student organizations

An important area of activity of students, in addition to academic and scientific work, is public work. The University of South Asia has established and operates a student self-government body — the Student Council, which provides students with the opportunity to act as direct organizers of their activities.
The Student Council of the University of South Asia is a student government body that unites the most active, positive, proactive, responsible, original and creative students of the faculty.

The main purpose of the student’s council is to create conditions for the most complete disclosure of creative potential and improvement of professional training of students of the faculty; maintaining and developing student self-government, traditions of the University of South Asia.
The competence of the уStudent Council of the Board of Directors includes issues that somehow relate to students’ faculty.
Our main task:
• Represent and defend the interests of our students at all levels.
• Ensure the dissemination of information and the maintenance of discipline and order at the university.
• Organize scientific conferences/Olympiads, cultural events, educational webinars and master classes.
• Search for new talents and professional development

Student Council Regulations PDF